home office

personal Document Shredding

Personal & Home Office Document & Electronic Device Destruction - San Antonio

We offer mobile shredding services available to home-owners who wish to destroy personal records and data, as well as, indviduals that work out of their home and are bound by Texas law to be compliant in the destruction of personal identifial information of their customers, suppliers and vendors and sub contractors. tronic device data on their business and on each client, vensir, supplier and employees. Under Texas law coporations are required to properly destroy all data, paper or electronic.

We specialize in confidential document destruction! The price is based on how much can be shredded in an hour, which depends on the type of paper/documents to be shredded.

Electronic Device Destruction

Just because an electronic device is, defective, out-dated, too small or old and moved to the company storage closet DOES NOT mean you have met your obligation in protecing personal identifiable data.

Businesses are required to destroy electronic storage deviceshe protection on all devices that can hold personal indentifiable information. Shredco specilaizes in Electronic Device Destruction.

Crushing, shredding and Piercing Devices
Corrosive Chemical or Acid Washing
Hands on Data Deletion Prior to Storage

Free Estimates

Just A Few of Our Satisfied Clientele

Main Location
Adtech Shredco
1000 N. Main Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78212
Phone: 210-734-9526
Fax: 210-734-0506
Email: shredcosatx@gmail.com

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